Hair removal

                       Hair removal, also known as Epilation or depilation, is the removal of body hair.


      Depletion is the removal of the part of the hair above the surface of the skin. The most common form of depilation is shaving or trimming.


           Epilation is the removal of the entire hair, including the part below the skin. Methods include waxing, sugaring, Epilation devices, lasers, threading, intense pulsed light orelectrology. Hair is also sometimes removed by plucking with tweezers.

                     Many products in the market have proven fraudulent. Many other products exaggerate the results or ease of use.

                 Temporary removal of hair to the level of the skin lasts several hours to several days and can be achieved by.


   Trimming can do manually or with electric shavers.

Depilatory creams 

        Shaving powders which chemically dissolve hair.


    Rough surfaces used to buff away hair.

"Epilation", or removal of the entire hair from the root, lasts several days to several weeks and may be achieved by.


      Hairs are pulled out, with tweezers or with fingers.


        Is a hot or cold layer is applied and then removed with porous strips.


          Is similar to waxing, but with a sticky paste.


    In which a twisted thread catches hairs as it is rolled across the skin.


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