Regular exfoliation of the skin removes residual dirt and

 dead skin to give you younger looking, fresh skin. 

After the skin is exfoliated, it is able to absorb moisture 

more effectively as well. All beauty regimens should include 

exfoliation treatments, and the coffee scrub provides it.

The caffeine in coffee has a number of benefits for your skin,

 from treating redness and inflammation, to reducing the 

appearance of under-eye circles, to getting rid of cellulite. 

By incorporating caffeine into your skin care routine, 

you can reveal evenly toned, smooth skin all over your body.

It contains many elements which help our skin to look and 

feel amazing. It has the ability to mend broken skin, soothe

 irritation, and revitalize cells. Coffee contains a free radical

 scavenger which helps to neutralize reactions caused by

 oxidation, which are the primary cause for conditions such

 as acne and eczema. It is known to be a gentle exfoliate

 which improves circulation, breaking up fatty deposits 

which we all know as dreaded cellulite.

Coffee also contains UV protectors which are self explanatory

 really; blocking out harmful rays from the sun helping us in

 the fight against premature ageing and skin cancer.

 The cleansing element of coffee is another beneficial factor;

 this cleanser takes away strong odors by neutralizing and 



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