Banana Anti Aging Face mask

Things you need from your kitchen to make this mask.

One  banana 

Two tbsp of honey

Two tbsp of grapefruit

Two tbsp of yogurt

Application of the mask

Mash the fruit ingredients thoroughly,
then add the rest of the items.

 Apply for 15 minutes,  while laying down the bed.  

 You can even do it in your bathtub,after a very long day.

Use this banana mask 3 times a week.

For an extremely dry skin add a spoon of wheat germ oil,

but use the mask twice a week at most  (because of the oil ingredient).

The honey is an excellent facial skin smoother and healer.

 The banana is rich with minerals that soften it, like Magnesium and Potassium.

The grapefruit in this mask adds more anti-aging vitamin A to the skin surface.

 The yogurt strengthens your skin with some amino acids enhancement.


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